
From Nursery to Grade 12

RIS Swiss Section is the only international school in Bangkok with a Swiss/German curriculum, using German and English as the primary learning languages. Our proven education model stands out through our distinctive curriculum, leading education quality, and a strong focus on personal care in small classes.

Your child has the chance to study all grades from Pre-Kindergarten (Nursery) to Grade 12 (University entrance Diploma).

Nursery / Pre-Kindergarten

For children of all nationalities aged 15 months to 3 years, our Nursery/Pre-Kindergarten offers excellent preparation for Kindergarten and Primary School.

Children attend a small group in a new and well-equipped facility about 10 minutes from our main campus. The children are tutored by a native German-speaking teacher and her Thai-speaking assistant/s. Our youngest learners enjoy a playful approach to the German language and culture, while socially experiencing their immediate surroundings and benefitting from a holistic approach of teaching.

Children engaged in playful learning activities in a diverse nursery/pre-kindergarten setting.

Kindergarten / Basis Level

Kindergarten and Basis Level prepare children between the ages of 3 to 6 years for a successful integration into our school. The language of instruction is German, whereby English is taught as a foreign language from the very beginning of kindergarten.

The focus of our educational work lies in each child´s personal development. The lesson structure emphasizes playful sequences, joyful learning, and a holistic education to gain self-awareness and self-confidence.  

In kindergarten and basis level, 30 lessons are taught per week.

Young Kindergarten children engaged in playful and educational activities in a German-language kindergarten.

Primary School

In grades 1 to 6, each student is nurtured to reach his/her full potential by developing individual, social, and academic skills.

The curriculum offers an extensive education by focusing not only on academic but also interdisciplinary competencies. Strong emphasis is put on achieving excellent language abilities. Apart from German as the language of instruction, the students learn English, Thai, and French at the Primary level.

Group of diverse students engaged in collaborative learning activities in primary school.

Secondary School

Gymnasium - Swiss Bilingual Matura Program

Successful graduates are awarded the Swiss Bilingual Matura certificate that gives them direct access to universities in Switzerland, Germany and Austria and access to universities worldwide.

The Swiss Bilingual Matura is suitable for intellectually capable, motivated, and independently working students who want to pursue university studies in the future. It offers a broad, balanced, and coherent full-time curriculum that emphasizes both general and specialized education consisting of compulsory core and elective subjects as well as a final thesis. 

Graduates receiving the Swiss Bilingual Matura certificate, providing access to universities worldwide

German Realschule / Swiss Sekundarschule

Graduates of Grade 10 are awarded the German secondary school leaving certificate called Realschulabschluss (Mittlere Reife, Mathayom 4).

The German Realschule / Swiss Sekundarschule is aimed at students with practical abilities and competencies who target demanding professional training programs and occupations.

From Grades 7 to 10, successful students may transfer to the Swiss Bilingual Matura Program.

Graduates of Grade 10 receiving the German secondary school leaving certificate, Realschulabschluss (Mittlere Reife, Mathayom 4)

German Hauptschule / Swiss Realschule

The German Hauptschule / Swiss Realschule is completed with the German secondary school-leaving certificate called Hauptschulabschluss (Mathayom 3).

The German Hauptschule / Swiss Realschule is aimed at students with practical abilities and competencies who target practical technical and vocational training programs and occupations.

From Grades 7 to 9, successful students may transfer to the German Realschule/Swiss Sekundarschule to year 10.

Graduates of the German Hauptschule/Swiss Realschule receiving the Hauptschulabschluss certificate (Mathayom 3)