
Overview Primary

In Switzerland and Germany, Primary School is the first stage of compulsory education stretching over 6 years. It is preceded by preschool, Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten education.

The Basis Level promotes a smooth progress from Kindergarten into Grade 1.  After Basis Level, children continue in Primary School from Grades 1 to 6.

At the end of Primary School, students transfer into one of the three Secondary levels – Swiss Realschule/German Hauptschule, Swiss Sekundarschule/German Realschule or Gymnasium – depending on their academic and personal performance and development levels.

Alter / AgeJahr / YearSchulstufe / School LevelRIS Swiss Section - Deutschsprachige Schule Bangkok
11-126Primarschule / Primary SchoolKlasse / Grade 6
10-115Klasse / Grade 5
9-104Klasse / Grade 4
8-93Klasse / Grade 3
7-82Klasse / Grade 2
6-71Klasse / Grade 1
5-60Vorschule / Pre-schoolBasisstufe / Basis Level
4-50Kindergarten 2
3-40Kindergarten 1
2-30Nursery "Lernzwerge"


Instead of specializing in one language, all students will be led to multilingualism – beginning with German and English. The Kindergarten students enjoy their first weekly play-based English lessons, and in Basis Level, bilingual English elements in selected subjects (e.g. social studies) will be added for enrichment. This process is followed throughout Primary School, finishing the years 5 and 6 with bilingual Biology classes with a strong emphasis on English. The path to diverse language acquisition will be further strengthened in the Secondary School on the way to the bilingual Maturity, where up to the half of the subjects can be taken in English. Additionally, all students learn French from Grade 6 onwards up to the Matura. For Thai students, lessons in Thai language begin from Basis Level onwards, including reading and writing Thai.

Subject Table

General Education3028
German in Level Groups6655555
English language2222224/5*4
French language3
Biology (bilingual English/German)22
General Knowledge **33444
Thai Culture and Language1111111
Ethics and Religions1111111
Self-organized Learning (SOL)2244444
Thai for Thai ***3333333

** With bilingual English elements in selected lessons
*** For students with Thai nationality

Special Weeks Twice per year, classes are complemented by special weeks, where the students get the opportunity to explore learning which goes beyond the established curricular contents, and enhance both their social skills and community spirit.